Grain storage
Phytosanitary solutions and innovative applicative technologies for grain storage.
Cereal Protection Project
Newpharm® offers to the grain industry high standards of prevention and efficient strategies for the protection of grains while in storage.
The Cereal Storage Newpharm® division is born thanks to the know-how acquired in more than 30 years of experience in the pest management sector. Newpharm is the most important representative of the principal associations of the sector. Newpharm® supports grain storage companies, pest control industries and all the other companies involved in the food supply chain with specialized professionals who help in all the key aspects (entomological and regulatory aspects, pest control solutions and the most advanced application systems).

The seed, a combination of technology and innovation. Our mission consists in protecting it.
Grains are precious goods which need protection. While in storage, grains are damaged by food insects. The amount of damaged grains can sometimes reach the 50% of the total in terms of weight. Moreover, carcinogenic substances might appear. Newpharm® suggests integrated and eco-compatible solutions which meet the market needs. These solutions are the result of a reasoned combination of all our chemical and physical means in order to keep a healthy and high-quality food supply chain.
A complete and wide range of innovative solutions and products
Simple, safe and effective application technologies
Professional technical assistance in all the key aspects (entomological, chemical and regulatory aspects, applications, etc.)
Maximum guarantee for the consumer and the environment
Our technical department is here for you. We will identify the pest which is destroying your environment and we will provide you with the best product to fight it.
Ask for information?
Newpharm® professionals will answer to all your doubts, contact us.